Felicity Flutter RI, SGFA
With a background in graphic design, sales promotion, advertising and watercolour painting, Felicity has years of experience working in arts administration for South East Open Studios and the Cranbrook Art Show. Felicity is primarily responsible for the Art Show graphic design and artwork. She can be contacted on 01797 230968.
Sandra Fernandez MA (RCA)
Sandy trained as a natural history illustrator working for various book publishers, The National Trust, London Zoo and a number of conservation groups. She specialises in detailed watercolour botanical illustration but is currently exploring new processes.
Sandy can be contacted on 01622 831671
Sandy can be contacted on 01622 831671
Annie Waring
Annie studied Printed Textile Design at Middlesex and worked for many years as a designer and maker. More recently she has taken up painting, working predominantly in oils and specialising in still life.
Annie can be contacted on 01435 884020 or by email
Annie can be contacted on 01435 884020 or by email
Karen Papworth
After graduating from Kingston with a First in Fine Art (Painting) Karen took a temporary job in a London advertising agency to pay off her student debts. Twenty years later she finally left and has been running the West End House Gallery in Smarden for the past 13 years, alongside glass artist Patricia Hawkins. She has recently opened a new gallery, Ting, in Deal.
Karen can be contacted on 07710 898843 or by email
Karen can be contacted on 07710 898843 or by email
Jade Taylor
Jade trained as a textile designer at Nottingham Trent University and specialised in embroidery during her degree. Painting and printmaking have been at the centre of her practice for many years, both on fabric and paper and her love of colour and pattern flows through her current body of work. Jade creates representational and sometimes whimsical works on linen and paper and the natural world and the environment are very much at their heart.
Jade can be contacted by email
Jade can be contacted by email
Louisa Crispin FPS, SGFA
"Attention to detail" sums up Louisa's approach: intricate pencil drawings and precise etchings.
Louisa stepped down from the CAS committee in 2023 to concentrate on her highly successful career as a full time artist. We are convinced she has a clone due to the amount of exhibitions, shows and workshops she is invited to be part of... there has to be more than one of her! We are indebted to Louisa for the time and effort she has put in to the Art Show. Her contributions have undoubtedly helped to make it the success it is today.
Louisa can be contacted on 01580 752139 or by email
Louisa stepped down from the CAS committee in 2023 to concentrate on her highly successful career as a full time artist. We are convinced she has a clone due to the amount of exhibitions, shows and workshops she is invited to be part of... there has to be more than one of her! We are indebted to Louisa for the time and effort she has put in to the Art Show. Her contributions have undoubtedly helped to make it the success it is today.
Louisa can be contacted on 01580 752139 or by email
Kristina Avery
Well known in Cranbrook as a Parish Councillor, Kristina's training is as an artist and she studied ceramics at Kent Institute of Art and Design, Rochester. She has successfully sold and exhibited her ceramic sculptures and art pottery as well as teaching ceramics at Bedgebury School. She developed the idea of the Cranbrook Art Show in its present form in 1993 and, as is characteristic of her, put the idea into immediate effect. Very quickly the format of the annual event established itself: Kristina carefully vetted all applications from artists to be an exhibitor so she could present a balance of artistic skills and disciplines, and strictly maintain a standard of artistic merit that keeps the visitors flooding back each year.
Kristina retired from organising the Cranbrook Art Show in 2012 and the new committee will endeavour to continue the tradition of putting on an exceptional show.
Kristina retired from organising the Cranbrook Art Show in 2012 and the new committee will endeavour to continue the tradition of putting on an exceptional show.
Kate Chitham BA (Hons)
A ‘jobbing’ artist interested in applying decorative art to a variety of projects from interiors to needlework and furniture. Her paintings try to show in a new light what she sees, grows (or takes care of!).
Kate formed the team to organise the Show after Kristina stood down. She retired from organising the Cranbrook Art Show in 2015 and the Committee would like to thank her for her commitment to ensuring the continuing success of the Show.
Kate formed the team to organise the Show after Kristina stood down. She retired from organising the Cranbrook Art Show in 2015 and the Committee would like to thank her for her commitment to ensuring the continuing success of the Show.